Building Success 101: Home Maintenance Book

Q: Is there a comprehensive home maintenance book or other resource you recommend? A: Home maintenance is a topic rich in printed and online resources. Among a library full of books, two of the best in terms of practicality and usefulness are the New Fix-It-Yourself...

Building Success 101: Lifecycle Assessment

Q: What is Lifecycle Assessment? A: Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) is a way to evaluate and estimate the value of a particular building product or system across its usable life. LCA considers a product or system’s cradle-to-grave environmental impact, from its raw...

Building Success 101: Service Calls

Q: Why do builders sometimes send another company on a service call? A: New-home builders rely on a variety of trade (or specialty) contractors, such as electricians, plumbers, and heating and cooling experts, to help build a new home. Part of their contract is...